Terms and Conditions of Red Boost

Welcome to Red Boost

These terms and conditions explain the rules for using Red Boost's website
By using this website, you agree to these terms. If you don’t agree with them, please don’t use Red Boost.

"Client," "You," and "Your" refer to the person using the website.
"The Company," "Ourselves," "We," "Our," and "Us" refer to Red Boost.
"Party" and "Parties" include both the Client and the Company.

Cookies: We use cookies to make the website work better and to improve your experience. By using our site, you agree to our use of cookies.

License: Unless stated otherwise, Red Boost owns the rights to all content on our site. You can use this content for personal purposes only and must not:

Republish it
Sell, rent, or license it
Copy or redistribute it

Comments: Users can post comments on our site. Red Boost doesn’t review or edit these comments before they appear. We’re not responsible for comments posted by others. We can remove comments if they’re inappropriate or violate our terms.

Linking to Our Content: Some organizations can link to our site without asking us first, including:
Government agencies
Search engines
News organizations
Online directories

These links should not be misleading and should not imply false endorsements. If you want to link to our site, let us know by email and provide details about your site and the links you want to use.

iFrames: You can’t create frames around our webpages without permission. This means you shouldn’t change how our site looks.

Content Liability: We’re not responsible for content on other websites that link to ours. You agree to protect us from any claims related to content on your site.

Reservation of Rights: We can ask you to remove links to our site and change our linking policies at any time. By linking to our site, you agree to follow these terms.

Removing Links: If you see a link on our site that you find offensive, let us know. We might consider your request but aren’t obligated to act on it.

Disclaimer: We don’t guarantee that the information on our website is correct, complete, or up-to-date. We aren’t responsible for any problems that arise from using our site.

Limitations of Liability: We’re not liable for any losses or damages if the website or its services are free of charge. This does not affect our liability for personal injury, fraud, or other legal obligations that can’t be excluded by law.